Young Rebel Star Prabhas is drawing a whopping 20 Crore for his upcoming movie, Baahubali. This makes him the highest paid actor in Telugu since his contemporaries’ are drawing some thing near 12-14 Crore. However, there is a small tangle in this. Baahubali will take at least 2 years time in making. Since Prabhas would have acted in 3 movies during that time and make some 28 Crore minimum, this 20 Crore cheque for Baahubali is still considered less. However, since the project is being directed by Tollywood’s most successful director Rajamouli, Prabhas had agreed to adjust with the amount.
The preproduction work of the movie is going on and the movie will go on to sets very soon. The movie is deemed as the biggest budget movie ever made in Telugu cinema industry. All the best to the entire team!
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