The movie Baahubali, starring Prabhas and Anushka Shetty is set to be made with a spectacular budget of 70 crores. The movie is in the pre-production stage and intensive preparations are being done for this highly anticipated project. The latest update regarding this movie is that, the movie's script when shot as it is, would be a very lengthy movie of more than three hours and the producers are considering trimming it. They are also considering that, since the budget of the movie is pretty high, they can make a sequel for the movie. The shooting would be started as soon as they make this decision, is what the industry is talking. The movie, directed by Rajamouli, is set to be made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi simultaneously. This was done for his previous blockbuster movie Eega too. The movie Eega gave around Rs 70 crore revenue and the talk in the industry is that Rajamouli is confident that Baahubali would make a lot more than that. Prabhas, Rana and Anushka are the lead roles in this movie. Prabhas and Rana are going to act as brothers on screen. Since the story is set in a Historical period, they have worked extensively on the construction of massive sets. They are very keen about the visual effects in this movie too. The regular shooting for this movie is going to start from 14th of this month.
Baahubali: Chances of making a sequel
The movie Baahubali, starring Prabhas and Anushka Shetty is set to be made with a spectacular budget of 70 crores. The movie is in the pre-production stage and intensive preparations are being done for this highly anticipated project. The latest update regarding this movie is that, the movie's script when shot as it is, would be a very lengthy movie of more than three hours and the producers are considering trimming it. They are also considering that, since the budget of the movie is pretty high, they can make a sequel for the movie. The shooting would be started as soon as they make this decision, is what the industry is talking. The movie, directed by Rajamouli, is set to be made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi simultaneously. This was done for his previous blockbuster movie Eega too. The movie Eega gave around Rs 70 crore revenue and the talk in the industry is that Rajamouli is confident that Baahubali would make a lot more than that. Prabhas, Rana and Anushka are the lead roles in this movie. Prabhas and Rana are going to act as brothers on screen. Since the story is set in a Historical period, they have worked extensively on the construction of massive sets. They are very keen about the visual effects in this movie too. The regular shooting for this movie is going to start from 14th of this month.
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