Young Rebel star Prabhas’s upcoming movie ‘Baahubali’. The latest buzz is that Prabhas will appear in dual roles in this movie. Rajamouli has been making all efforts to make magnum opus Bahubali the best film in the Indian film industry. Rajamouli also thinking of releasing this movie in two parts. Rana Daggubati is playing an important role. Anushka is playing female lead role. Shobu Yarlagadda is producing the movie under Arka Media banner. Rajamouli regulars music director MM Keeravani and cinematographer Senthil are part of this prestigious venture.
prabhas in double role...?
Young Rebel star Prabhas’s upcoming movie ‘Baahubali’. The latest buzz is that Prabhas will appear in dual roles in this movie. Rajamouli has been making all efforts to make magnum opus Bahubali the best film in the Indian film industry. Rajamouli also thinking of releasing this movie in two parts. Rana Daggubati is playing an important role. Anushka is playing female lead role. Shobu Yarlagadda is producing the movie under Arka Media banner. Rajamouli regulars music director MM Keeravani and cinematographer Senthil are part of this prestigious venture.
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